HW220 200A汽油发电焊机 | 200A Gasoline generator welder
HW220EW 三菱200A汽油发电电焊机 | HW220EW Gasoline generator welder

- HW220EW产品优势 |HW220EW Product Advantage
- * 适用多种焊条,可以施行纤维素焊条、低氢焊条及氩弧焊的全位置焊接。
- * 无刷、诱导子发电技术。
- * 具有电弧吹力调节功能,电弧稳定、飞溅小。
- * 配有省油电磁阀。
- * for a variety of welding rod, can well celluloseelectrode, Low hydrogen electrode and argon arc welding of all position welding.
- * brushless, elicitor power generation technology,high power generation efficiency.
- * with arc blow force regulating function, arc stability, little splash.
- * equipped with fuel solenoid valve with high efficiency of welding machine Than any other brand 40% energy saving equipment.
of HW220EW
碳刷/Brush |
无/No |
驱动方式/Driven |
直接耦合/Direct coupling |
class |
IP21 |
绝缘等级/Insulation class |
F |
焊接输出/Descending Output
额定功率/Rated power |
5.6 KW |
额定电流/Rated current
200 DCA |
额定电压/Rated voltage |
28 DCV |
空载电压/Idle voltage
85 DCV |
暂载率/Rated duty cycle |
50% |
range control |
(50-230)DCA |
辅助电输出/Accessorial Receptacle |
额定功率/Rated power
3.0 KW |
额定电压/Rated voltage |
220 DCV |
辅助电额定电流/Rated current
13.7 A |
暂载率/Rated duty cycle |
100% |
发动机/Engine |
型号/Model |
类型/Type |
四冲程单缸/4-stroke, 1-cylinder |
排气量/Displacement |
391 CC |
额定功率/Rated output
power |
13 HP |
额定转速/Rated speed |
3580 rpm |
system |
手启动/Recoil |
燃料/Fuel |
无铅汽油/Unleaded gasoline |
system |
风冷/Air cooling |
其它/Others |
油箱容量/Fuel tank capacity |
12 L |
(L×W×H) |
707×530×560 mm |
重量/Net weight |
105 Kg |
车轮/Wheel kit |
选配/option |
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